Last year, Google debuted its much-anticipated flagship smartphones, the Pixel 6 and Pixel 6 Pro. While the phones have received positive feedback, they have also been plagued by a slew of defects, with buyers reporting a variety of problems.
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According to recent reports, some Pixel 6 customers have experienced intermittent connectivity issues. Users have experienced Wi-Fi issues on Google’s support forums and Reddit since the February upgrade.
The Pixel community team responded to consumer complaints on Reddit, stating that the Wi-Fi connectivity issue has only affected a small number of devices and that the root cause has been addressed. The Pixel team has created a fix that will be included in the Google Pixel Update in March, so customers may not have to wait long for the problem to be fixed.
Some customers appear to have temporarily solved the problem by following the Google support forum’s advice, which included things like resetting network settings and removing a Wi-Fi network from the smartphone.
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As a result of the Pixel 6 updates, further issues have developed. Google temporarily disabled the Hold for Me feature due to a weakness uncovered in the December upgrade, which was also placed on hold for many customers due to a problem with dropped calls. Let’s hope the March release resolves the Wi-Fi issues without adding a new flaw.